Scaling and Root Planing Ahmedabad

Dental Scaling and Root Planing Treatment

Measures that keeps your mouth and teeth clean

Scaling is a dental procedure that helps to clean teeth. The dentist will start procedure with a thorough examination of your mouth. Scaling helps to remove calculus or tarter that gets attached to the tooth surfaces. The dentist scales the root surface to smooth out rough target areas, eliminating plaque and bio-film development. It helps your gums regain heath. The process especially targets area below the gum line, along the root.

Plaque is more likely to stick to rough surfaces. For this reason, the root surface is smoothed down in a process called root planing. Root Planing is used to remove any remaining tarter and to smoothen irregular areas of root surfaces.

Scaling and Root Planing is one of the most effective ways to treat gum diseases before it becomes severe.

How is dental scaling and root planing done?

Scaling and Root Planing are done with a combination of ultrasonic scalers and manual hand instruments.


After Scaling and Root Planing, it is advised to use an antiseptic mouth rinse and gum paint. However, patient should continue brushing and flossing as usual directed and suggest by Professional Dentist.

Dr. Teeth- Radhe Orthodontics & Multispecialty Dental Care is the best clinic in where one shall find skilled and experienced dentist in Ahmedabad that use the latest technology to offer treatment plans that fit your individual needs. Contact / call us today to book appointment.

How can you prevent Root Canal Treatment?

Root Canal Treatment can be prevented by some simple measures:

  • Dental decay, if detected, should be restored in the initial stages itself.
  • Dental decay should be prevented by simple homecare measures like use of fluoridated tooth paste, fluoride mouth rinse, flossing and regular visits to a dentist.
  • Children involved in contact sports should wear mouth guard to prevent injury to their teeth.
  • Motor bike riders should wear helmets and motor vehicle drivers should wear seat belts to prevent injury to their teeth.

Dr. Teeth- Radhe Orthodontics & Multispecialty Dental Care is the best clinic in where one shall find skilled and experienced dentist or dental surgeon in Ahmedabad that use the latest technology to offer treatment plans that fit your individual needs. Contact / call us today to book appointment.