How braces works:
Braces work by moving teeth in a certain direction by use of force on teeth. Bone remodeling occurs when stress is applied to the periodontal ligament. The ultimate outcome is that the tooth or teeth will permanently movie into the desired position over a period of time.
There are 4 basic elements that are needed in order to move teeth in correct or ideal position. In the case of traditional metal or wire braces, one uses brackets, bonding material, arch wire, and ligature elastic, to help align the teeth. The teeth move when the arch wire puts pressure on brackets and teeth. Sometimes springs or rubber bands are used to put more force in a specific direction. Braces put constant forces which over time makes teeth movie into their proper position. This movement needs to be done slowly otherwise the patient risks losing his or her teeth. This is the reason why braces are commonly worn for approximately one and half years and adjustments are only made every 4 to 6 weeks.
Dr. Teeth- Radhe Orthodontics & Multispecialty Dental Care is the best clinic in where one shall find skilled and experienced orthodontist in Ahmedabad that use the latest technology to offer treatment plans that fit your individual needs. Contact / call us today to book appointment.